07.06.2021, 13:00-16:00
Registration: here
Program: Life-Cycle definition for Cultural Heritage-Profession
Date: 07 June 2021
13:00 Start
13:05 Welcome by host
13:15 Welcome by project representatives
13:30 Introduction INCREAS
13:40 Introduction experts
13:55 Short statement expert 1: Gustafsson Christer (University Uppsala) Download Presentation
/ Tackling boundary-spanning challenges with the Halland model
14:10 Short statement expert 2: Gravagnuolo Antonia (CNR-IRISS Istituto di Ricerca su Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo)
/ Circular economy for Cultural Heritage (CLIC Project)
14:25 Short statement 3: Wagenhofer Gerald (UBW)
/ Life-cycle aspects of built Cultural Heritage
14:40 Break
14:55 Discussions
How can life cycle assessment improve sustainable refurbishment of Cultural Heritage?
Can Cultural Heritage be part of circular economy? How?
15:45 Summary of discussions
15:55 Thanks and goodbye
16:00 End