Conceptualise EU Competence Centres for Heritage Asset

14.06.2021, 10:00-13:00

Registration: here

Program: Conceptualise EU Competence Centres for Heritage Asset
Date: 14 June 2021

10:00          Start

10:05          Welcome by host

10:15          Welcome by project representatives

10:30          Introduction INCREAS

10:40          Introduction experts

10:55          Short statement expert 1: Mag. Sahl Reinhold (BHÖ)

                    / What is the purpose of an EUCompCentre for Architectural Conservation?

11:40          Short statement expert 2: Dr. Bazil Christoph (BDA)

                   / What is the purpose of internationalising Architectural Conservation?

12:00         Short statement expert 3: Mag. Wagenhofer Gerald (UBW) Download Presentation

                   / How does the concept for the EUCompCentre look like?

12:30          Discussion

12:45          Thanks and goodbye

13:00          End