Linking ESCO with NACE and CPA – Statistics for Cultural Heritage

17.06.2021, 09:30-12:30

Registration: here

Programme: Linking ESCO with NACE and CPA – Statistics for Cultural Heritage
Date: 17 June 2021

09:30         Start

10:05         Welcome by Burghauptmann Reinhold Sahl

10:10          Introduction to topic by Gerald Wagenhofer

10:25          Short statement expert 1: Claudia Plaimauer (3s)

                    Preliminary thoughts for linking ESCO with CPA and NACE 1

10:40         Short statement expert 2: Marta Beck-Domzalska (Eurostat)

                    Preliminary thoughts for linking ESCO with CPA and NACE 2

10:55         Discussion

12:25         Thanks and goodbye

12:30         End